onsdag 5 januari 2011

lördag 17 januari 2009

Posting på leonardcohenforum.com

As a small token of my appreciation of the wonderful concert at the Sofiero chateau park concert at Helsingborg, Sweden I have made a Chinese seal which can be seen at http://lipfan674.blogspot.com/2008/07/s%20...%20cohen.html

Originally I was trying to find an appropriate classical Chinese translation of "there is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in" to put into the seal... but no matter how I tried they all fell to the ground: 无物无裂如此入光 and 万物有裂因而入明 and so on and backwards and forwards...

Luckily enough, a roving mobile filmer at
had the answer. So the seal says: du-dang-dang-dang, di du dang dang sounding like a buddhist sutra or, better still (at least in its seal form), a taoist talisman protecting the readers of these lines always, always...
(PS if you enlarge the seal you can see that there are cracks letting light in at the left edge)

onsdag 14 januari 2009


O där dansar hon i mörkret
till en Haggesta vals
säj mej var kan ja finga nån tröst
för det bränner som sprit
o det sticker som knivar
det där som blev kvar i mitt bröst
O ja kommer ihåg denna Haggesta vals
för nu vet ja hur mycke ja mist
ja blev av darr med min älskling
just när som dom spela
en sorgelig Haggesta vals

lördag 10 januari 2009

惠子曰: Right defines wrong just as wrong does right, right? But then "be" must be defined as a negation or opposite of "be"? What is this negation slash opposite, master Zhuang?

庄子曰: Master Hui, I did not know that you were so ignorant on pop trivia... It's of course "do-be-do-be-do"!

onsdag 31 december 2008

söndag 14 december 2008

fredag 28 november 2008

Flash-dagbok 3

När vi skall gå på restaurang Svea för att fira moderns 50-årsdag tillåts inte vår 23-åriga dotter att dricka ett glas vin eftersom hon inte har sin legitimation med sig. Vi byter till Restaurang Epikuré...